Philadelphia Lawyer For Racing & Drag Racing Tickets
When individuals think of streetcar racing, they often think of a popular movie series that embraces the idea of good-looking actors in custom, expensive sports cars racing around the streets of a major bustling city. Although these races may bring them some sort of joy, skill, and money, it is clear from their constant run from the cops that the activity is illegal. Same goes here in real life. Street or drag racing in a very serious offense to be convicted of in the state of Pennsylvania. Law enforcement regularly looks for individuals participating in the illegal activity and when ticketed the punishments for this violation are not minimal.
In recent years, the police and courts have begun to crack down on illegal Racing and Drag Racing in the Philadelphia area. A racing or drag racing ticket no minor offense. If you have been issued a racing or drag racing ticket, you have been accused of breaking the law, and are subject to penalties and fines. It is in your best interest to consult with an experienced Racing and Drag Racing Lawyer. When you retain counsel from The Law Offices of Greg Prosmushkin, P.C., you can expect an expert attorney to secure your best interests in fighting a drag racing or racing ticket in Philadelphia and the surrounding areas.
Drag racing in Pennsylvania is defined as “racing your vehicles side-by-side to compete over speed and acceleration.” If you have been charged with this offense, you need to hire a racing and drag racing lawyer who has the knowledge and experience of Drag Racing and Racing Laws to properly defend you against the prosecution. The attorneys at The Law Offices of Greg Prosmushkin, P.C. will aggressively fight on your behalf to achieve the best results possible for your case.
You would think that the person ticketed for drag racing would necessarily be physically racing another individual in their car, as explained in the above definition. However, the police and courts have expanded this offense. The courts are now finding people guilty of racing and drag racing while driving alone at a high rate of speed with the intent to break one’s own personal speed record. If you were charged under conditions such as these then you are going to need a racing and drag racing lawyer.
The courts have further expanded the laws against racing and drag racing to include the mere observation of a drag race as an offense. Under Pa. C.S.A. 75 Sec 3367(b) it says that “…no person shall in any manner participate in such a race.” The case of Commonwealth v. Holstein held that spectators were participating in the race and that spectators can also be charged with a drag racing or racing offense. If you have been accused of a drag racing or racing offense, do not hesitate to contact a lawyer, no matter how illegitimate your offense may seem. The Attorneys at The Law Offices of Greg Prosmushkin, P.C. are up-to-date in all of the recent changes to drag racing and racing law. This extensive knowledge gives you an advantage when fighting a drag racing or racing charge.
Racing & Drag Racing Tickets Lawyer Philadelphia
The courts are really being tough on racing and drag racing offenses. They are not settling these cases easily. If you are found guilty of Racing and Drag Racing, you will incur costly fees, and lose your license for a minimum of six months. Do not let this happen to you. Call The Law Offices of Greg Prosmushkin, P.C. at (215) 437-3058 today, or Email Us for a free consultation with one of our racing and drag racing lawyers.
This content was written on behalf of Greg Prosmushkin.